
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Baby Announcement Gone Right?

Our friends Katie and Clayton are having their second baby and it's a boy! When Katie asked if I could help them take some pictures to announce the new baby, I said "Of course! No problem." So we all headed to the park to take some fun photos with their daughter, Rilyn. 

Everything started off peachy. Parents were smiling. Rilyn was smiling and rocking her cute fishtail braid (which, by the way, I still don't know how to do). We were trying different angles and shots. Then all of a sudden, Rilyn decided she was not having it. She was not going to strike another pose. The camera was her enemy. Tears started flowing. It was as if someone had told her she could never watch Bubble Guppies again. 

Well folks, sometimes you've got to go with the flow. So we ended up just setting the sign next to her as the tears continued to flow. I just kept snapping pictures. And you know what? I love them! I think they're hilarious. And so did Katie and Clayton.

So next time a photo shoot doesn't go as planned, have a sense of humor about it. You never know, they might turn out even better than you had envisioned.

 To make the sign I used a thrift store frame that I had painted with teal spray paint. I cut out some thick cardboard and painted it with chalkboard paint, then inserted it inside the frame.

Ryan used a chalk pen to write : Only child expiring + due date. I told him to make the handwriting look like a little kid wrote it.

Our puppy, Stella, just sat by and watched the whole ordeal. Love her!

Sharing these funny photos over at 52 Mantels Whipperberry, 5 Days 5 Ways, 30 Handmade Days, I Heart Naptime.


  1. This is the cutest!!!! I love it!!!
    Hugs, antonella :-)

  2. So stinkin' funny and cute! I'd love for you to come link this up at my Tuesday Time Out!
    Reasons To Skip The Housework

    1. I'd love to! I'm heading!

  3. Love your blog! You have not posted since Feb, why not? hope all is good!


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